Streamlining purshase negotiation with data and gen ai co-pilot






The procurement negotiation process is often complex and time-consuming, involving multiple stakeholders and fragmented data. There was an opportunity to use generative AI and data analytics to simplify and accelerate these processes, offering a competitive advantage to users.


Create a platform that automates trading tasks, provides data-driven actionable insights, and uses generative AI to suggest trading strategies. The platform should improve efficiency, reduce costs and support more informed decisions.

Research and Discoveries

Research methods

We conduct in-depth interviews with buyers and sellers, analyze existing negotiation workflows, and conduct benchmarking research of cutting-edge negotiation solutions. We also review historical trading data to identify patterns and automation opportunities.

Key findings

We found that negotiators spent a significant amount of time on repetitive tasks such as analyzing proposals and communicating with multiple parties. We identified that generative AI could be used to suggest responses and strategies, saving time and improving the effectiveness of negotiations.

Design Process

Steps taken during the project

DEFINITION OF REQUIREMENTS We collaborate with stakeholders to define the functional and technical requirements of the platform, including integration with data systems and defining AI co-pilot capabilities. EXPERIENCE ARCHITECTURE We created the user experience architecture, focusing on an efficient and intuitive workflow that supported both new and experienced users. We map the main user journeys to identify key interaction points. WIREFRAMES AND PROTOTYPING We develop low- and high-fidelity wireframes to validate the interface structure and iterate on design elements. We created interactive prototypes in Figma to test the navigation flow and AI co-pilot capabilities. USABILITY TESTS We performed usability testing with real buyers and sellers to ensure the platform met their needs and was easy to use. We use feedback to make design adjustments and improvements. COLLABORATION WITH THE AI TEAM We worked closely with the AI ​​development team to ensure that Co-Pilot generated accurate and useful suggestions, and that its integration into the interface was smooth and intuitive.


Final Design

The platform features a modern and responsive interface, with customizable dashboards and real-time analysis tools. Includes a negotiation section where users can view and respond to proposals, with intelligent suggestions provided by the AI ​​co-pilot.

Main features

The AI ​​co-pilot offers negotiation strategy suggestions based on data analysis, automates responses to proposals and facilitates communication with all parties involved. Data visualization tools help users understand trends and make informed decisions.

Client feedback

"This solution was what we needed to better manage our negotiations"

"This solution was what we needed to better manage our negotiations"

"This solution was what we needed to better manage our negotiations"

Impact and Lessons

Impacts on the business

The platform increased the operational efficiency and competitiveness of the companies that adopted it, providing a significant strategic difference in the purchasing market.

Lessons learned

The importance of continuous user feedback and close collaboration between the design and technology teams was crucial. We've learned that adopting new technologies like AI must be accompanied by a user-centered design approach to be truly effective.

See next project


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