Platform to predict future logistic prices with assertivity




Data Science


Logistics companies need to manage multiple variables that influence transportation costs. The lack of an efficient tool to simulate different scenarios makes it difficult to make informed decisions about cost optimization. There was an opportunity to develop a platform where users could easily test different combinations of variables to find cost-effective solutions.


Create a platform that enables dynamic transportation cost simulations, helping users understand how different factors impact their operating costs and explore options for optimizing spending.

Research and Discoveries

Research methods

We conduct workshops with logistics and cost analysis professionals to understand their needs and how they currently manage and calculate transportation costs. We look at simulation tools in other industries to gain insights into design and interaction best practices.

Key findings

We identified that users needed a platform where they could easily experiment with different scenarios and instantly see the impacts of variable adjustments. Existing tools were often rigid and did not allow for the flexibility needed for rapid, iterative testing.

Design Process

Steps taken during the project

DEFINITION OF REQUIREMENTS We collaborate with stakeholders to define platform requirements, focusing on interactivity, usability and flexibility in cost simulation. We needed to ensure the tool could handle a wide range of variables and scenarios. ARCHITECTURE IN EXPERIENCE We developed the user experience architecture, planning how users would interact with the platform and adjust variables. We mapped key user journeys to identify where we needed to provide instant feedback and support. WIREFRAMES AND PROTOTYPING We created initial wireframes to outline the structure of the interface and test the layout of simulation controls. We then developed high-fidelity prototypes in Figma to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of interactions with sliders and dynamic graphics. USABILITY TESTS We carried out usability tests with logistics users to validate that the platform was intuitive and allowed quick and accurate adjustments to variables. We use feedback to refine the interface and improve the clarity of visualizations.


Final Design

The platform features a visually appealing and highly interactive interface, with adjustable sliders and controls that allow users to manipulate variables and instantly see the impacts on cost forecasts. Dynamic graphs and dashboards provide a clear and understandable view of simulation results.

Main features

The platform includes the ability to adjust variables such as fuel prices, route fares, and operating costs directly in the interface. Visualization tools show how these adjustments impact total transportation costs, allowing users to explore different scenarios and find cost optimization options.

Client feedback

"The platform was incredible! Now we're finally going to stop using a bunch of tools and focus on using just one the way we need it and with the functions we need."

"The platform was incredible! Now we're finally going to stop using a bunch of tools and focus on using just one the way we need it and with the functions we need."

"The platform was incredible! Now we're finally going to stop using a bunch of tools and focus on using just one the way we need it and with the functions we need."

Impact and Lessons

Impacts on the business

The platform allowed companies to be more proactive in managing transport costs, resulting in better operational efficiency and market competitiveness.

Lessons learned

We learned the importance of clear and continuous communication between the design and development teams to ensure that complex functionality was presented in an intuitive and accessible way for users.

See next project


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